LGV – Serious game

LGV – Serious game


Character and digger for a serious game based on resource management around building & public works (high speed rail working site).


Furry Tales – Buildings

Wolves, take care of nasty sheeps!

Buildings made for PS2 RTS Furry Tales at Mad Monkey Studio (SC2X Company).


Made twenty caricatures of actors/resses & directors at Primythive Studio.


Caricature of French comedian & filmmaker Danny Boon for the game pre-production “Bienvenue chez les Ch’tis”.

FoF – Illustrations

Run. Run, you clever boy… and remember the temple and its tricks!

FoF – Props & Characters

What rotten weather under Furries skies!

FoF – Green Spirit

Here’s how we deal with moles in Fury of the Furries landscape skins!


One of the puzzle visual propositions, based on Level designers work.

FoF – Environment sketches

Various environments created for “Fury of the Furries 3D” project at Kalisto Entertainment.

FoF – Castle

What sort of inhabitants should live in that singular twisted castle…

Some mysterious gorgeous bulbous princess and her flying naked chickens?

Fountain of (Beer) youth for Furries

FoF – Zelda

Free variant reading of Zelda!

Kind of « Little man Pee » adaptation for those who know that famous little character from Brussels